*THEORIES INTO PRACTICES* PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI, OCTOBER 2015 *Colloquium Theme:* Transborder and binational relations between Haitian and the Dominican Republic have permeated throughout history. The legacies of the social, cultural, economic, and political realities shared by both societies and their diasporas have created promising spaces of dialogue. Political and economic elites in both countries have, for the most part, ignored and/or tried to suppress these expressions of commonality, in favor of more divisive political and socio-economic discourses. The goal of the previous Transnational Hispaniola (TH) conferences in Santo Domingo and in the United States was to use scholarship and creative expression to transform dominant paradigms in Dominican and Haitian knowledge production, political culture, and pedagogy that reproduce class exploitation, gender-based violence, and social exclusion on the basis of citizenship, sexuality, language, culture, phenotype, and ability. With this latest colloquium, Transnational Hispaniola III (THIII) seeks to foster intellectual and creative production while also making a deliverable contribution to the education and training of attendees, with special emphasis on the students and faculty at Haitian universities. First, this TH event will be a venue to connct scholars from across the island and beyond who might otherwise not have an opportunity to engage in constructive dialogue across linguistic and national borders on issues affecting the peoples of Hispaniola and their diasporas. Second, in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, several initiatives were working toward strengthening higher education in Haiti through educational exchanges, like the US Fulbright program, a Wenner-Gren Institutional Development Grant, and bilateral university collaborations. To support these projects while continuing to work in the spirit of previous TH conferences, the organizers will facilitate teaching modules as a basis of offering a *Certificate in Transnational Hispaniola Studies *to those Haitian professors and students who participate. Finally, we will have a series of workshops specifically for Haitian students and faculty. *Topics* The organizers are interested in submissions on any of the following topics: - Anthropological Methods and Theory - Haiti-DR Borderlands - Development and/or Non-governmental organizations - Tourism, Sex Work, Factories, Informal Economies, Markets, etc. - Education and/or Language and/or Linguistics and/or Literacy - Environmental Studies or Ecology - Gender and/or Sexuality - Human Rights - Land and/or agricultural production - Migration, mobility, and/or deportation - Race and Ethnicity - Religion - Research Design - Science and Technology - Social Movements - Urban planning - Technical workshops in art, poetry, music or other creative forms of expression The official languages of the conference are Krey?l, Spanish, and English. Please send your submission by January 31, 2015 to [email protected]. Questions can be directed to Kiran Jayaram at the above e-mail address. Kiran Jayaram, Ph. D. Postdoctoral Fellow, Facult? d'Ethnologie (Universit? d'Etat d'Ha?ti) Lecturer, Haitian Studies (University of Kansas) ROOTS/HERITAGE TOURISM IN AFRICA AND THE AFRICAN DIASPORA: CASE STUDIES FOR A COMPARATIVE APPROACH An International Conference, February 12-14, 2015 Graham Center Ballroom Florida International University Programa http://africana.fiu.edu/tourism-init/2015-rootsheritage-tourism-conference/ Em artigo publicado no Huffington Post, Ada Ferrer (LAH e NYU) reflete sobre a mudança da política das relações entre Cuba e Estados Unidos
Acesse aqui Estão abertas as inscrições para o XXXVII Congresso Internacional de Americanistica, que será em Perugia (Italia), entre os dias 5 e 12 de maio de 2015. O prazo para submeter as propostas de inscrição é até dia 8 de janeiro. Pode encontrar mais informações no site: http://www.amerindiano.org/?page_id=1704
A tese de doutorado de Alline Torres (LAH e CPII), intitulada Sobre dons, pessoas, espíritos e suas moradas foi recebeu apoio para a publicação por meio do Edital de Apoio à Editoração (APQ3) da FAPERJ - 2014.
Marcelo Moura Mello (LAH/PPGAS/MN/UFRJ) acaba de ser aprovado no Concurso Provas e Títulos na área de Teoria Antropológica, do Departamento de Antropologia, na Universidade Federal da Bahia.
Os antropólogos Stephan Palmié e Aisha Khan, e a historiadora Ada Ferrer, passam a integrar o LAH. Formaliza-se, deste modo, iniciativas de colaboração entre o LAH e os pesquisadores e professores, respectivamente, do Departamento de Antropologia da University of Chicago, e dos departamentos de Antropologia e de História da New York University.
Parcerias com o professor Palmié foram formalmente iniciadas em 2006 quando, como Pesquisador Visitante (CNPq), o antropólogo realizou uma série de palestras promovidas pelo LAH. Além de inúmeros artigos publicados em publicações especializadas nas áreas de antropologia e história, Palmié é autor de Wizards & Scientists: explorations in Afro-Cuban Modernity and Tradition (2006, Duke University Press), editor de Africas of the Americas (2010, Brill) e, recentemente, The Cooking of History: How Not to Study Afro-Cuban Religion (2013, University of Chicago Press). A antropóloga Aisha Khan é autora de inúmeros artigos sobre religião, história, secularismo, trabalho, diáspora e creolização envolvendo os hindo-caribenhos em Trinidad e na Guiana. Entre os livros autorados ou editados por Khan estão Islam and the Atlantic World (University Press of Florida, prelo), Empirical Futures: Anthropologists and Historians Engage the Work of Sidney W. Mintz. Co-organizado com George Baca e Stephan Palmie (University of North Carolina Press, 2009), e Callaloo Nation: Metaphors of Race and Religious Identity among South Asians in Trinidad (Duke University Press, 2004). Ada Ferrer é historiadora e autora de artigos e livros sobre escravidão, raça, racismo, nacionalismo e revolução no Atlântico e no Caribe. Entre seus livros estão o recém lançado Freedom's Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 2014), e Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, and Revolution, 1868-98 (University of North Carolina Press, 1999). É co-organizadora de El rumor de Haití en Cuba: Temor, Raza y Rebeldía (Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2004). Perspectives on Sidney Mintz, número especial de Review - Journal of Fernand Braudel Center, reune pesquisadores do LAH e da Rede Second Slavery.
Acesso online Dossier Caribe, número Especial Teoria e Cultura - Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UFJF. Organizada por Thiago Niemeyer (LAH e Pós-doc UFJF), a publicação conta com artigos de Magdalena Toledo, Marcelo Mello, Cláudia Bongianinno, Marjo de Theije e outros.
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